Welcome Deeders!
Jan. 23, 2024

Crunching the Numbers: How to Quickly Determine If a Property is a Deal or No Deal

Crunching the Numbers: How to Quickly Determine If a Property is a Deal or No Deal

Today we throw away all of the talk and get our hands dirty. What does a “great deal” really look like? You’ve heard all the talk. You’ve listened to podcasts. We dump all of the theory on the floor and instead evaluate a real deal from one of...

Today we throw away all of the talk and get our hands dirty. What does a “great deal” really look like? You’ve heard all the talk. You’ve listened to podcasts. We dump all of the theory on the floor and instead evaluate a real deal from one of our Deeders! We’ll apply all the math, show you websites, dive into clues from the listing, and ultimately make a decision about whether Denise’s deal is ultimately one she should pursue or if she should keep looking.

In our headline segment Rich Dad, Poor Dad guru Robert Kyosaki is in the news, sharing that he’s over a BILLION dollars in debt? While we can’t confirm that number, we can confirm that we talk about leverage on the show and how to use it wisely without being wiped out. We also answer a call to Ruth’s Rotary phone from Pam-a-lama-ding-dong (not her real name) AND we also, like a cherry on top, share Doug’s entirely fun and not-for-credit pop quiz. We’re sure you’ll pass the quiz AND won’t want to pass on all this knowledge and fun.