On today's show...our hosts Crystal Hammond and Joe Saul-Sehi step into the intriguing world of real estate with Joan Herlong, a seasoned TV star, as she shares her behind-the-scenes experiences on HGTV's House Hunters and offers invaluable insights...
On today's show...our hosts Crystal Hammond and Joe Saul-Sehi step into the intriguing world of real estate with Joan Herlong, a seasoned TV star, as she shares her behind-the-scenes experiences on HGTV's House Hunters and offers invaluable insights for beginners venturing into the real estate market. In this episode, Joan takes you on a journey through her real estate adventures, highlighting the misconceptions perpetuated by TV shows, the importance of a realtor's role in a transaction, and the truth about following your passion in this business.
Joan emphasizes the need for clear communication and fully informed decisions when working with both buyers and sellers. She reveals the common pitfalls, personal touches that can make or break a sale, and how to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of buying or selling a home.
Join us as we debunk the myths, unveil the reality of real estate, and learn the dos and don'ts of the trade from a true expert. Joan's unique approach to the industry will leave you informed, entertained, and inspired.
In our headlines, Business Insider recently ran a list of Real Estate Investment Trusts that you may want to consider selling if you own them. We'll dive into when & why it makes sense to sell your shares, but what about your actual tangible property? You know the kind with real dirt and functioning doors? We'll wade into HOW to think about selling your property. Plus, we’ll answer a question from a Deeder about how to get started with limited funds-We delve into multiple paths for novice investors to explore the real estate market, including real estate partnerships, hard money loans, seller financing, wholesaling, and even leveraging home equity loans. Throughout the episode, we emphasize the importance of building an emergency fund before embarking on your real estate journey and the priceless value of finding a mentor to guide you in this exciting but often complex world. So if you're a novice investor eager to make your mark in real estate, don't miss this episode, filled with practical advice, cautionary tales, and expert tips to set you on the right path. AND Neighbor Doug shares an amazing trivia question during today's Property Pop Quiz segment. Don't miss this candid conversation that could save you from costly mistakes in your real estate journey.